Red Cross Youth
Red Cross Youth
In our Red Cross CCA, Links learn and hone their first aid skills as well as get training for simple marching drills. The theory lessons teach them critical skills in responding to different emergencies in the first few minutes before any professional medical help arrives.
They will also be actively involved in national and community charity events such as the annual food donation drive at CVPS and the Singapore Red Cross Society (SRCS) Flag Day. Other than the various learning journeys and visits to the Elderly Homes, our Links also have opportunities to represent the school in national and zonal events, competitions and camps organised by the SRCS HQ.
Links learn to work with each other in and out of school in various situations. This not only exemplifies the value of care and harmony among the Links but also helps them to inculcate and develop their leadership skills.
Overall, Links get opportunities to serve the school and the community through their CCA journey in Red Cross. As a bonus above all else, all Links are presented with a Red Cross Uniform in their 1st year with the CCA and they can don it proudly for several school events!