English Language
English Language
Confident and Effective English Learners
The CVPS English Language Programme aims to nurture Compassvalites’ love for the language and develop them into Thinkers, Leaders and Champions with a systematic and spiral approach to teaching and learning. This is done by providing a rich, authentic and meaningful language experience for all our Compassvalites. Through the use of the STELLAR (Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading) approach, we build in our students a strong foundation of language learning in four main areas – listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Reading Programme
The department strives to spark our students’ joy in reading by developing their capacity and interest in reading. Students learn to read with the STELLAR approach, Learning Support Programme (LSP), Reading Remediation Programme (RRP) and School-based Dyslexia Remediation Programme (SDR). We help students explore their interests and interact with the book contents through activities in our in-house “My Joyful Reading Journey” series, the online reading portal (MyON) and partnership with National Library Board (NLB). In addition, our reading ambassadors are trained to set up book displays and make book recommendations to their peers.
Speaking Programme
Through fun and engaging ways, our students learn how to fulfil various purposes of speaking, both individually and collaboratively. Performance-based tasks such as Show-and-Tell, Pick-and-Tell, Readers Theatre and Elocution foster confidence in our students. They develop students into skilful communicators who can deftly adjust their spoken interaction to suit various purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures.