Our Learning Approach
Our teaching philosophy is one with the belief that every child is unique. Here in Compassvale Primary School, we believe that every child is a Thinker, Leader and Champion. Hence, we cater to a variety of approaches so that meaningful and enjoyable learning could take place for every child. We facilitate the acquisition of skills and knowledge through a variety of activities and tools. Concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) activities and Info-Communication Technology (ICT) are incorporated in the curriculum to enhance the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Teachers also designed and planned ICT lesson packages in the Student Learning Space (SLS) as part of e-learning to engage the students in class. The curriculum is progressive and spiral so that learning would engage and accompany each child in these 6 years, bringing out the joy of learning.
Mathematics Primary 1 and 2
As each child begins his/her journey in learning Mathematics with us, he/she will go through a fun and engaging way through varied activities in our key programmes. The Mathematics Big Book Reading Programme helps our younger students to develop interest and motivation in learning Mathematics. This programme uses Math stories and role plays.
Plenty of opportunities for hands-on and activity-based learning are provided through the use of our Sustained Support for Mathematics (SSM). Compassvalites are provided with manipulatives to visualize the concepts in a concrete way. They will also be exposed to our in-house programme, HATS in MATHS. HATS, short for Heuristics and Thinking Skills, aims to develop their thinking skills and equip them with different strategies, which in turn develops our thinkers’ problem-solving skills — a crucial life skill.
In addition, the enhanced Learning Support Programme for Mathematics (LSM) supports selected Primary 1 and 2 children to strengthen their foundation in Mathematics to ensure that every child is well-equipped to advance in their journey in Mathematics.
Learning does not end in the classroom. Your child gets to participate in the Mathematics Games which are conducted during recess. These games had been carefully selected by the teachers to reinforce mathematical skills that have been taught in the classroom. The games excite the children to explore learning through play with their peers. This stimulates skills which include critical thinking, spatial visualisation and analysis of relationships. Students would foster a love for Mathematics in an engaging environment where creativity is promoted.
Specialty Programme
Mathematics Big Book Reading Programme
Mathematics Big Book Reading Programme helps our younger students to develop interest and motivation in learning Mathematics using Math stories and role plays. Through these interactive activities, they have fun with Mathematics and deepen their understanding of Mathematical concepts. Hands-on activities are also designed to accompany the Big Book stories in the P1 and P2 classrooms.
Learning Support for Mathematics (LSM)
LSM aims to provide early support for selected Primary 1 and 2 students to strengthen their basic numeracy skills and build a good foundation. The child will experience the joy of learning in a small focused group conducted by a trained LSM Coordinator. They will learn through play and other hands-on activities where they get to experience successes incrementally and build their confidence.

Mathematics Primary 3 and 4
As each student progresses to the intermediate stage in their Mathematics journey, he/she is exposed to a more abstract concept. The use of SSM is integral in the acquisition of concepts as they help to provide a concrete and visual platform for their learning, while keeping them engaged. Group-based activity becomes more frequent as the children support each other in collaborative learning.
Each child will now be exposed to more complex strategies in the HATS package. These strategies become increasingly relevant as they are exposed to more abstract concepts in solving word problems. Occasionally, they will be presented with real-life problems that can be solved using Mathematical concepts.
At Primary 4 level, your child may also have an opportunity to participate in Mathematics Olympiad and Excellence 2000 (E2K) Mathematics programme.
Learning Support for Mathematics (LSM)
LSM aims to provide intervention support for selected Primary 3 and 4 students to strengthen their basic numeracy skills and build a good foundation. The child will experience the joy of learning in a small focused group conducted by a trained LSM Coordinator. They will learn through factual fluency routines and other hands-on activities where they get to experience successes incrementally and build their confidence.
Mathematics Primary 5 and 6
As students transit to the upper primary level, they will face more advanced challenges and hence, more rigour will be added to their routines. They are trained to be more independent and take ownership of their learning in their mathematics journey. The use of SSM is still largely emphasized. They will work in groups and present their work or worked solutions more frequently. They will also be given opportunities to articulate their mathematical reasoning to their peers.
For HATS, the students will be taught more advanced techniques and strategies which increase their competency to solve both routine and non-routine word problems that will carry them through in their transition to secondary school.
In addition, the teachers will also introduce the Adaptive Learning Systems in SLS so that students can take charge of their own learning in bridging the gaps in the topics that they needed more support in.