Our TLC Experience
Our TLC Experience
Primary 1 & Primary 2
In PAL Outdoor Education, students experience joys of the outdoors. Through their interaction with the outdoor environment, they develop creativity, curiosity and also learn about collaboration. They acquire life-skills through the various activities about the outdoors or done in the outdoors. At the end of the module, students even get to have a field trip to a park to immerse themselves in outdoor environment away from that of the school’s vicinity.
Primary 3 & Primary 4
In Visual Arts, students learn to place a high value on themselves, others and their environment. There is exploration of materials which allows them to challenge their creativity in the art-making process.
The lessons offer them companionship and fun. They are opportunities for students to communicate their feelings and gain thinking skills that reinforce friendships and empathy for one another.
Primary 5 Camp
Our P5 cohort attended their annual 3D2N Outdoor Adventure camp at MOE Labrador Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre. This year, the theme was “Young Explorers”. Through the camp, the students explored avenues of them becoming leaders, thinkers and champions when faced with challenges.
They were also given many platforms to put the R³ICH values into practice. They got to know themselves and others better and emerged from the camp as more mature individuals.
Primary 6 Motivation and Study Skill Workshop
Over the 3 days, the students acquired skills on how to make notes that would be easy to remember and draft plans to manage their time wisely. Their self-esteem were raised as a result of knowing their strengths. They also came to understand that they are in control of their own feelings and emotions.
Above all, it was most heartening to learn that their key takeaway was – “I have learnt to appreciate the people around me”. Students expressed their appreciation openly to their parents, friends, principal and teachers at the closing segment of the workshop where parents were invited to join their children in learning.
We sincerely hope that these experiences, skills and values that our students have acquired will see them through the many challenges that they will encounter in their growing years.